The Fifth Section
5.0 The Five Civatattuvas
5.0 Now among the tattvas from cuttamayai, some are meaning-forms and some are sound-forms. Among the five meaning-forms of Civam, cakti catakkiyam, icuram and cuttavittai, the civattatuvam is:
the earliest differentiated form of cuttamayai. Hence the subtle form of language (cukkumai) dominates; instals Civa-consciousness in increasing degrees among those who desire mukti along the paths of caivagamas the kamika and so forth. This form of language is also under the command of the power of Icuram. In addition to that this Civa-tattva is also the residence of the power that removes the afflicting constraints and brings the ego towards Civa-consciousness, the power whose manifestational forms are the kalaies; intikai, tipikai, rocikai, mocikai, urttuvakamini. It is also termed Natam and has as its intrinsic form dharma (tanmaruapam).
5.1 Now the Cakti tattvas is the cause of the differentiation of the paicayanti form of language that has the lower forms of consciousness (aparajnanam) arising from Kamika and so forth. It is the establisher (piraviruttikai) as it is opposed to the psyches' liberation from the psychological moods by liberating the egos from constrained forms of consciousness that constitute the substance of phenomenal existence, and thus making it possible for the egos to be illuminated by Civa-consciousness; it is also the seat of the powers of nivritti, piratittai, vittai, canti and cantiyatitai i.e. forms of cognitional processes. It is also the product of Civa-tattva that is termed Vintu.
5.2 Now catakkiya tattva is seat of differentiation of mattimai form of language that contains the lower limited forms of consciousness of kamika and so forth. It is the product of cakti tattva that is the basis of the pranavaties who are responsible for such tantras as kamika and so forth becoming different, and also the ground for the generation of bodies and utensils for those egos who have attained a close proximity with Civa (camippiyam).
5.3 Now Icura tattva is the product of Catasiva tattva that forms the basis for the generation of bodies and utensils for the anantecuras and so forth and for those egos who become thus through worshipping them intensely.
5.4 Now Cutta vittiya tattva is the seat of the vaikari form of language contained in such agamas as kamika; it is also the basis for the generation of bodies and utensils for the millions of mahamantras, kanecuras, the dik palakas such as Indra and so forth. It is a product of Icura tattuva.
5.5 The following are the names for Civa tattva and so forth:
When paramanma is conjoined with consciousness alone and nothing else it is known as Civam; the tattva where He resides is also known as Civam. When he is conjoined with activity alone and nothing else, He is known as Cakti; the tattva where he resides is also known as Cakti. When consciousness and activity are in balanced combination, He is known as Cataciva. When more of activity and less of consciousness, He is known as Isvara. Isvara or Maheswara are identical in meaning. When consciousness is in excess to activity, He is known as Cuttavittai; the tattva that constitutes his residence is also Cuttavittai. These five different tattvas are autonomous (unconditioned) forms for that Paramanma.
Paramanma: The anma or psychic being that is eternally unconditioned, infinite and all pervasive. It is another term for Paraciva.